NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby koprop on Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:51 am

Flawless uploading using Chrome no longer exists. Every upload shows "errors" and after reloading those "errors" images and uploading them, error messages now indicate the reloaded images are already in the uploaded gallery. Selecting "view" or "edit" and all images in the gallery have indeed been uploaded. Last gallery upload indicated same "error" messages on some images but I did not reload and upload those and checking the gallery showed all images had been uploaded. So it appears I'm receiving error messages on uploads when there are no errors.
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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby TheOldNick on Thu Nov 15, 2018 11:59 am

Folks, I read here that there are problems when uploading 80 (150, 200,4567) images....

Are you sure the reason for those problems is not on your computers due to timeouts of the connection? What's your average upload bandwidth?

Speaking freely I also do not see the sense of those massive galleries - do you really have that much new stuff for uploading? When the feck are you taking all those photos?

And... to be honest: wanking and browsing through a gallery with more than one page is some kind of coitus interclicktus. :mrgreen:

I usually limit my uploads to 24 images max which will result in a one page gallery. And I can't confirm any problem with the new upload. Using FF with NoScript and uBlock origin (both adapted to the needs of IF) under Win7 running in a ubuntu WINE sandbox. So I really have a "critical system" which is determined to cause problems.
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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby longhairfish on Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:24 pm

Sroljo145 wrote:is it possible to increase the max number of tags allowed per gallery?

Not if you are using Internet Explorer. We have guys who daily upload 1000+ pictures to a gallery.
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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby longhairfish on Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:25 pm

Barry54 wrote:I also have problems with the uploads for days. Not only the many error messages, but I am also constantly logged out. Is really annoying. No power no fun here!
I used the contact, but received no answer.

If you used the contact option, messaged Admin or emailed I see all of those. I ignore nobody unless they are being a complete ass. And even then I do message back a few asses :)

As we have mentioned before, if you are getting logged out then you have some kind of ad blocking going on. Disable all that and try your upload again. 99% of the time people tell me they get logged out is because of ad blocking issues.

Also we have the people who upload while on a proxy server. If you are going to use a proxy then try to upload you will no doubt see some failures. I wish I could put this proxy stuff in neon lights and email or message it to everyone. But that is not possible. Using a proxy (while it has good intentions on your end) will almost always cause an issue on any site you send pictures or videos to.

I don't have any other news to report. Pretty much everything people have asked has been covered in this topic.

We haven't made any changes or fixes in the last week. This is why you haven't seen me here in a few days.

One thing to note is, some users have told me they upload and see errors. While the error message is a bit of a concern, in fact many times all of the pictures did get uploaded. So if you get error messages, double check to see if your uploads made it to us in tact.

Also for 'some' users the pictures appearing out of order in 'some' galleries is not a major issue. Of course if this does happen to you I realize it is a major concern. Honestly since this doesn't happen a lot the design team has put this issue on hold.

I have seen people with various problems. Of course this was to be expected. And we won't have everyone's issues solved. This happens on all web sites or software. Not to belittle the uploader problem, but take a look at updating from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Or any new Skype updates. Stuff is broken constantly when this happens. Yes, people get pissed. The 'techy' people figure it out. Or via messages, this forum or emails I can help most people solve the uploading problem. But not everyone will be pleased. What I can tell you is this. You can upload a gallery of 20 pictures and possibly have a problem. Or the next upload everything is fine. We have a guy who constantly uploads 1200 pictures in each gallery. He is quiet as a mouse. I never hear him have cause for concern. Then I get a person who can't upload 2 pictures.

If you have upload problems your best bet is to use Google Chrome browser. We have had basically zero complaints when people use that. Yes, I know some will say "This is BS - I shouldn't have to install a new browser!". True. You shouldn't have to. But it will work in most cases. I suggest doing it. Level of PC expertise is about a 1 on a scale of 1-10.

In about a week I will close this topic. It has been done to death quite honestly. Any other questions about the uploading will most likely be deleted after this topic is closed.

And I will say a few things again. The amount of pictures being uploaded has doubled or almost tripled since the new uploaded was introduced. Its not because we got a lot of new accounts. We still average 200 - 250 new accounts each day. The new uploader is much improved over the old version. This is why we have more uploads. You have no idea how many complaints I received every day about uploading being broken. Now (besides this forum) the majority of the people are happy. The increased uploads to the site prove that. Its massive.
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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby ShinyDust on Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:15 pm

longhairfish wrote:
Barry54 wrote:your best bet is to use Google Chrome browser.

That's pretty sad. Anyway if I did sound like an ass I didn't really mean to. Just frustrated a bit, the old system worked like a charm.
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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby arsby on Thu Nov 15, 2018 11:41 pm

I use Firefox on Win10 with a fast internet connection.
Most of my gallery uploads are 24 images. For the first few weeks the new system was flawless.
Now I get errors for at least one image about 80% of the time. I get errors for 8 or more images 20% of the time.
Also annoying. It shows errors where the image has been uploaded. Just now I got errors on one image, but when I looked at the gallery none were missing. Earlier I got three errors, two were missing.

My way of dealing with it... If I get errors on 8 or more images in one 24-image upload I delete the gallery and start again. If I get fewer errors either I'll try to upload the missing ones or let the missing ones go missing.

I hope they fix this. It used to take me 5 minutes to upload 4 galleries, now it takes 15 or 20 minutes.
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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby arsby on Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:51 am

I took another look at Longhairfish's post, he suggested that uploading works best with Google Chrome.
I tried chrome, I got 13 errors.
I couldn't figure out how to make the img thing work but here's the picture to prove it.
Actually, 11 pictures didn't make it up. I'll delete the gallery later.
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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby dudley_tundish on Fri Nov 16, 2018 2:37 am

After trying the new format for approximately a month, I'm not particularly impressed. I use a Chrome derivative (Comodo Dragon, to be specific) as a browser, and lately, it takes at least two or three passes to upload a gallery completely. A significant number of errors are returned in the first pass; the second pass may clean up all of them--but not necessarily. More often than not, three passes-and sometimes more-are needed. Furthermore, a significant percentage of the errors reported turn out to be false positives: when I try uploading an image that was reported as having had an error, more often than not a different error (namely, that the image already exists in the gallery) is returned. That's frustrating and a time waster. And while we're on the subject of wasting time, I've noted that the system consistently bogs down when a batch is down to the last image to be uploaded: the wait time for the last image to be processed can be upwards of 60 seconds. That seems excessive for a single image of, say, 250 KB.

All in all, on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give the new format a 3.5 if I were feeling generous.
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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby mst3krules on Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:34 pm

The "new & improved" upload process worked for a short time but now...been trying to upload the same 40-image post for three days now, using both Safari and Chrome (same ones I've been using for years). Each time I get at LEAST 23 errors out of them, so I delete the entire folder. A shame I can no longer contribute to Imagefap. Wake me when it's working.
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Re: NEW upload format starts today! ** READ THIS **

Postby Fauvist on Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:37 pm

No further posting until this is resolved. Too many errors as a % of downloads. No error log. And who wants to see thumbs of what they're upping? Just not worth it.

Of all the issues IF has, it messes with something that worked relatively well. Relatively. This platform is killing the goose (.zip uploads) that lays the golden egg (liabililty-free monetisation of user content,) Hope you work it out ImageFap.
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