Issues resolved

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Issues resolved

Postby longhairfish on Sun Oct 20, 2019 7:05 am

Hi everyone. Yep, there are some issues going on. We are checking it now.

Oddly enough the mobile site is working ok.

Update - We had one database (the most important) go a little bit crazy. This is something we have never seen happen before. So it took a while to pin down the problem. While the problem is being worked on the uploading will be disabled. The priority now is to stabilize the database. When that is fixed we can't start the uploading again.

The timeline in all honestly for the repairs to be done is unclear at the moment.

And a bit of bad news. Anyone who can't see their galleries will have to upload them again. The reason for this is because all galleries uploaded in the span of 4 hours (or so) did not get sorted correctly. Simply put all uploaded pictures ended up in one gallery. Of course this a bit of a mess. Moving or sorting 32,000 pictures is not possible.

Those galleries you might have created are of no use to anyone. We will have to delete them all. You will receive a notice in your in box from Admin within a day or so telling you your gallery was deleted. Reason : N/A. Pay no attention to that message. The message has to go out by default.

If there are more updates I will let you know here. Sorry for the trouble.

Again - Uploading is disabled until further notice

If you uploaded new galleries Saturday night or Sunday morning, they will be deleted.


Many galleries uploaded Saturday night or early Sunday morning we could not save. I just deleted all remnants of those galleries. We are waiting for the database to rebuild itself now. This is a lengthy process. So hold on a little while - we will be back in action as soon as possible.

Sunday night. I don't have any substantial news to pass along. Only to say the files we are restoring is taking a little longer than anticipated.

At the rate we are progressing you should be able to upload Monday afternoon. That is the best case scenario. Instead of testing it (and possibly getting depressed) just keep an eye out for any other users who have uploaded. A good upload will show the standard 4 thumbnails.

Early Monday morning. As of right now you can upload. But do this only if you feel the urgency to do so. And here is why:
We still have some catching up to do. Meaning the site is working hard to get things in order. On a normal day after you upload a gallery, your gallery would show up in 20 minutes for everyone to see. We have a bit of a lag in that right now. Your galleries 'should' show up as they usually do - maybe not. We might be in the same boat in the morning. But the uploading is enabled. You guys will test it over night. Then we will see how things have progressed after a ton of galleries are uploaded.

The worst case scenario is that the gallery you upload will definitely show on your profile page.

Next. Categories you might have blocked. We just found this out a few minutes ago. You might be seeing some galleries you did in fact block. I am seeing different results though. For example if you don't have an account and are casually browsing, your blocked categories by default are Gay and Filthy Porn. For some reason everyone is seeing those two categories. This needs some looking in to.
Monday morning update 2

Error 500 just started happening when uploading. This will be worked on first thing this morning.
Monday evening - Final Update

It looks like the storm has passed. There are still ongoing fixes happening. Most people should not notice any new changes. Any site interruptions will be very short.
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