Photos not accepting ratings

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Photos not accepting ratings

Postby travelerxxx on Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:35 pm

Guessing this may be part of what mod longhairfish mentioned in his announcement "Slow site etc," but I haven't seen it mentioned specifically. So I guess I will bring it up.

Since about Sunday, Dec. 4, many photos will not allow a viewer to "rate" them. You can indeed click on a rating, but it doesn't "stick." Rather, the ratings "buttons" immediately go back to their original blank state. You can't rate the photo, nor does your attempt to rate a photo register when viewing the total ratings of a particular gallery. This does not happen on every photo, but I am seeing it happen around 40% to 60% of the time.

This is happening for me with my laptop running Mac OS 13.6 (newest I can run). I have tried both Firefox and Safari (all up to date), and the behavior is the same with both browsers. The only other time I've seen this behavior was in the past when I have tried to run ad blocking software with my browsers. Certainly, it will do it then, but I have all ad blockers shut off when I'm at ImageFap. It's happening anyway.

I had the problem with getting constantly logged out about a day ago, but that seems to have been resolved ...for me anyway. So, considering what was announced by our mod, longhairfish, the only problem I'm getting is the inability to rate many - if not most - of the photos posted. I haven't seen any improvement with this issue, so I figured I'd post about it publicly.

Is anyone else having this problem?
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Re: Photos not accepting ratings

Postby longhairfish on Wed Dec 07, 2022 2:15 pm

I just tested the voting. So, a picture that already had 2 stars I voted on. Gave it a 5 star.

The picture rating went from 2 to 3.

I refreshed the page. It's still at 3.
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Re: Photos not accepting ratings

Postby lush-pussy-maniac on Wed Dec 07, 2022 5:18 pm

The rating stars only register if you click on a very restricted absolute centre of the star.
If you do not hit the exact centre, it will NOT register.
A second attempt to correct a non-register triggers the response; 'You've already rated this image' which, of course you haven't.

What is amazing is that the ONE-star ratings seem to be unaffected.

Isn't it time to completely change this rating system, which just encourages the ONE-star idiots that so many of us daily suffer from.
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Re: Photos not accepting ratings

Postby travelerxxx on Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:34 pm

longhairfish wrote:I just tested the voting. So, a picture that already had 2 stars I voted on. Gave it a 5 star.

The picture rating went from 2 to 3.

I refreshed the page. It's still at 3.

Thanks for the reply.

It doesn't happen every time. At first, I thought it was happening around half the time. Now, I believe it might be closer to 20% to 25% of the time. I ran through a few galleries today, and the problem still exists. No doubt about it. If I attempt to rate a photo, it accepts the rating most of the time, but far from always. The "stars" all "light up" if I hover my cursor over them, as usual. However (when this happens), when I click on a star it briefly turns color but then immediately turns "blank" again. If I attempt to click again, I get the warning popup stating that I have "already rated" the photo. The attempt does not show up in the gallery total, either. If I go to a gallery of, for instance, 30 or 40 photos, perhaps three or four of them will have this behavior. On the other hand, they may all "rate" ....or most of them may not. It's quite random on a gallery-to-gallery basis.

So far, I haven't been able to pin down any clues. Nothing changed on my end - no recent browser or system updates, etc. It started happening suddenly when the other craziness began a few days ago. One thing I have not tried is to clear all the ImageFap cookies on my machine. I'll do that and get back with the results, but I have my doubts it will help as this issue is happening no matter what browser I use.
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Re: Photos not accepting ratings

Postby travelerxxx on Wed Dec 07, 2022 10:42 pm

lush-pussy-maniac wrote:The rating stars only register if you click on a very restricted absolute centre of the star.
If you do not hit the exact centre, it will NOT register.
A second attempt to correct a non-register triggers the response; 'You've already rated this image' which, of course you haven't.

What is amazing is that the ONE-star ratings seem to be unaffected.

Isn't it time to completely change this rating system, which just encourages the ONE-star idiots that so many of us daily suffer from.

Thing is, for me anyway, that accuracy has not been an issue. Sometimes I do "miss" and have to go back and click exactly on the star, but in the past it's always taken my rating. This is different from that in that it might take the click, or it might not. Usually it takes it, but it's far from every time. Even if it "seems" to take the vote, after clicking the stars are go to blank again with my "vote" not registering. However, if I attempt to "vote" again, I get the popup stating that I "already voted."

This seems to be happening to me no matter which "rating" star I choose or whether anyone else has rated the photo or not. I'm not noticing any difference between any of them.

Again, usually everything is mostly working as normal. BUT, around a quarter of the time, my rating votes are not registering, even though the site behaves as though they are. Those rating votes are not "counted," either.
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Re: Photos not accepting ratings

Postby travelerxxx on Wed Dec 07, 2022 11:45 pm

Okay, as mentioned, I deleted all cookies related to ImageFap. I quit the browser and waited a bit. Then I went back and tried again.

No change.

I tested in a gallery of 43 photos. I attempted to rate most of them, probably 90%. I tried various "star" ratings, except for single star ratings. I had four failures. Had I tried rating every single photo I might have had more failures.

Next, I tried a gallery of 24 photos. Even though I clicked on the "5 star" rating button on every photo, ten of them would not accept my "vote," but when I clicked once again on the blank star, the popup came up saying I'd "already voted." I forgot to check whether the gallery vote total was correct after I did this.

With another gallery of 24 photos, only one photo refused to count my rating vote.

Finally, in an unrated gallery of five photos, I attempted to vote every photo as a "5 star." One would not take my vote while the remaining four did. In this case, the correct total of votes was shown when I went back and reloaded the gallery. However, the one photo that refused my vote still showed "blank' stars. All the others showed that they had received a five start vote (mine) already. I received the usual "already voted" when I attempted to vote on the offending photo. Note that while this gallery did show the correct total number of ratings votes, other galleries have definitely not done so.

So, clearing cookies has not solved my problem.

I was going to attempt to disable all browser add-ons and see whether this affected things, but I think it's probably a waste of time since I'm getting this behavior with different browsers, some of which have no add-ons whatsoever.
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Re: Photos not accepting ratings

Postby travelerxxx on Wed Dec 14, 2022 10:03 am

longhairfish wrote:I just tested the voting. So, a picture that already had 2 stars I voted on. Gave it a 5 star.

The picture rating went from 2 to 3.

I refreshed the page. It's still at 3.

Seven days later and this is still happening to me. Nothing I've tried has worked. I can't say it's gotten any worse, but it certainly isn't getting better.

I can attempt to vote on photos and at least 30% of the time the votes don't show up on that photo's rating. The rating stays blank or, in case there is already a vote shown, it does not change to reflect my vote. Sometimes everything works as it should. It seems totally unpredictable and random to me. In some galleries, the failure is nearly 50%. Sometimes the total votes for a gallery will reflect that I voted, but not always.

Have I voted on too many photos and I'm under some type of "vote restriction" or something? I doubt that, but I'm starting to grasp at straws...
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Re: Photos not accepting ratings

Postby travelerxxx on Thu Dec 15, 2022 6:03 pm

lush-pussy-maniac wrote:The rating stars only register if you click on a very restricted absolute centre of the star.
If you do not hit the exact centre, it will NOT register.
A second attempt to correct a non-register triggers the response; 'You've already rated this image' which, of course you haven't.

What is amazing is that the ONE-star ratings seem to be unaffected.

Isn't it time to completely change this rating system, which just encourages the ONE-star idiots that so many of us daily suffer from.

I know I replied to this already, but in desperation I once again tried your method of clicking on the "...very restricted absolute centre of the star." I was trying to be as precise as possible. Perhaps it does help to do this. Even so, I'm still getting many failures. However, if your theory is correct, the "area" that you have to hit when you click on a star must be so minuscule that it is very tough to do ...even when consciously attempting to be as precise as possible. I'm still not totally convinced, but it's possible that you're right about this.

I'm still perplexed though, as the ratings total for an entire gallery will generally show the "missed" star ratings, even though the individual photos do not reflect it. Even more strangely, if a vote fails to show on any particular photo, and you still see blank stars (never rated), you will get the "already voted" popup warning if you try to vote again.
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Re: Photos not accepting ratings

Postby longhairfish on Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:37 pm

I did some checking and the stars / voting are working fine.

The only thing that might be 'messing up' your voting is something like an advertising blocker.

So maybe try voting with ad blockers disabled. Or open a new incognito / private window in your browser.
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Re: Photos not accepting ratings

Postby travelerxxx on Wed Dec 28, 2022 6:26 pm

longhairfish wrote:I did some checking and the stars / voting are working fine.

The only thing that might be 'messing up' your voting is something like an advertising blocker.

So maybe try voting with ad blockers disabled. Or open a new incognito / private window in your browser.

Thank you for the reply.

I am aware that an advertising blocker can cause one to not be able to rate photos and have kept mine disabled while on the site for quite some time. I'll try your advice to run in a private window and see what happens. While I thought I'd tried that, maybe I haven't.

Evidently the problem is on my end, otherwise I'd be getting many replies here from other users with the same problem. It does help to know that it's not an ImageFap problem so that I can narrow the issue down. Once I do find a solution, I'll post here with what I found.
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